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Somatische Tanzpädagogik
28. November 2012 @ 00:00 - 2. Dezember 2012 @ 00:00
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Delicious Dancing
An Introduction into Somatic Dance Paedagogy
Contact Improvisation, Movementdevelopment and Feldenkrais® based Bodywork
In this Intensive we will focus on dancing with our Integrated Body.
Contact Improvisation is most delicious, we find, when we are truley dancing with our Integrated Body: our awakend physical, emotional and „sensory-input“-body“.
Giving and taking impulses, listening to our own needs and the rythm of the dance, riding the waves of rest and activity – all that happens easily, when our body is informed. Technical aspects, lifting, falling, sharing weight, counterpoint etc., can help us deepen into the physical possibilities.
We will offer you inner pathways that go back in time into your own movement development., reliving single steps of physical and emotional development.
From there we will enjoy dancing Contact Improvisation, and also work technically and systematically on the principles of this wonderful danceform. To offer tools and material for beginners and advanced dancers we will sometimes work in smaller groups or even individually.
On a sensory input level we can open up doorways in our dancing that might have been closed off, through awareness, touch and specific placement of information through another body.
In this intensive we invite you to „come as you are“, and dive into the magic moments of connecting with yourself and others.
Lehrer: Daniel Werner und Sabine Parzer