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Somatic Contact Improvisation Residential Workshop with Daniel Werner & Joerg Hassmann

17. Mai 2023 @ 00:00 - 21. Mai 2023 @ 00:00

We are celebrating a somatic Contact Improvisation workshop with Daniel &amp, Joerg that expands into the format of a Festival, with full catering, accomodation, contemplative dance practice, singing circle, jams and more.
After not having been able to work together for 3 years Joerg &amp, Daniel had their revival Intensive this summer in Freiburg – soo satisfying! It tasted clearly like MORE.&nbsp,
Freiburg, here we come again!
**Somatic Contact Improvisation – a residential workshop with Jörg Haßmann and Daniel Werner for advanced contacters**
We invite the depth and process oriented work of a Workshop, having a committed group to explore systematically developed material together.
And we enrich the journey with flavours of a festival with the energy from lots of passionate people, delicious food, staying together over night, with jams, singing circle, sharing and other formats.
In the morning sessions we’ll lay the somatic foundations for the explorations of Contact Technique. We’ll tap into the vocabulary we developed in over 12 years of working together, which includes CI specific ways of developmental movement patterns, the fascia and the nervous system.
All formats are dedicated to foster the human ability to connect through the body, finding our individual freedom and the interconnectedness with all others.
Our language is contact improvisation, diving into its somatic depth, exploring technical details around sharing weight and the communication through touch.
Since all the offers throughout the day are more than some of us can digest we encourage everyone to pace themselves and to follow their own flow and needs, and make use of the freedom to skip offers.
The afternoon sessions are closely linked to the material presented in the mornings. The contemplative dance practice in the early mornings and the Jams at night can be opportunities to find one’s own personal flow in the dance and to integrate the new material in more subconscious ways.
17.5.-21.5. 2023
Wedneday 5pm to
Sunday 3pm
590-490 EUR – sliding scale
490-450 EUR Earlybird until 15.2.2023
including the workshop and all offers.
Plus full vegetarian/vegan, organic catering by Lorén Rosenbaum.
Freie Waldorfschule Freiburg-Rieselfeld
Ingeborg-Drewitz-Allee 1
Staying overnight and sleeing in the studios is possible and recommended.
(20 Euros extra for all nights, to be payed in cash upon arrival)
Bring your own mat and sleeping bag.
MORE INFO eg. SCHEDULE will follow soon.
We will have a few helper spots for a reduced fee available
please write Nadja if you are interessted.


17. Mai 2023 @ 00:00
21. Mai 2023 @ 00:00