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Surfing the waves with toys & tools
18. Juni 2015 @ 00:00 - 22. Juni 2015 @ 00:00
In this Intensive we will work technically and systematically on so called „pathways“(CI vocabulary), to experience and understand the underlying principles of this wonderful dance form. ,Furthermore we will play with Elements from Body-Mind Centering and developmental movement to (re-) discover natural and organic movement qualities, and to find efficient body tone modulation and effortlessness, softness and strength for moving with shared weight. , We will create spaces and atmospheres with different dance scores in which technique, playfulness and improvisation can melt into truly multidimensional experiences of falling, flying and momentum. ,
The systematic approach of this Intensive is based on the curriculum of the ,Contact Improvisation Training Berlin (www.dancecontact.de). This seminar is an open continuation of our wonderful training in Hvar in 2013 and 2014.
This year we will deepen the material, build up on it and explore into new realms of CI. In the teaching we will first introduce basic material and then bring it to higher levels in space and skills, often inviting more momentum. So you can enjoy your individual learning process according to your level of previous experience. Beginners and advanced CI dancers are therefore warmly welcome.  ,
Daniel Werner
Daniel Werner ,studied Dance, Contact Improvisation, Body-Mind Centering and other Somatic Methods and Practices ,with various teachers, and ,has been working professionally and internationally ,in this field since 1997 as a dancer, teacher and director. ,He graduated in contemporary dance at the North Karelia College in Finland.
Iva Hladnik
Iva is a contemporary dancer, contacter and yoga teacher. She has been studying contact more intensively with Daniel Werner and Joerg Hassmann since 2012. , She is particularly interested in the area in which breath, movement and dance meet their therapeutic impact and application.
Martina Rožić
Martina is a contact impro teacher with background in contemporary dance and a certified yoga teacher. She has practised and studied contact impro intensively with Joerg Hassmann and Daniel Werner, completed their intensive training as well as the ‘Holistic movement and dance pedagogy’ teacher’s training with Sabine Parzer. Her work is based on contact improvisation, authentic movement, bodywork and contemporary dance as well as some shamanic practices.
Contact Impro Intensive with Daniel Werner, Iva Hladnik and Martina Rožić
The Island of Hvar, The City of Hvar
Hvar ,Primary School ,
18 June—22 June 2015
SCHEDULE 18-22 JUNE 2015
18 June ,20-22h ,jam ,
19 – 22 June ,9-10h yoga/ 10-13h Intensive with Daniel/ ,19.30-21.30h Workshops by Iva&,Martina/ 20-22h ,jams ,
PRICE: ,230-270 euro ,(90 euro deposit to be transferred till 30th March). ,
The participation fee does not include the accommodation. ,Please arrange accommodation according to your own needs and wishes. ,
We will send you more detailed information on travel and accommodation options upon registration.
From abroad to the town of ,Split, Croatia:
www.germanwings.com, ,www.easyjet.com, ,www.lufthansa.com, ,www.croatiaairlines.com
Hvar, the island in the Adriatic Sea, is the longest and the sunniest Croatian island and one of the most beautiful islands in the world. ,The island is famous for its pleasant Mediterranean climate. It is characterized by warm summers and many hours of sunshine (2,718 hours a year). ,Economy is based on ,tourism, fishing, farming, viticulture, olive growing and especially on cultivation of rosemary and lavender. Friendly people, well-indented coast, numerous picturesque and intact beaches and bays, virgin nature, very ,rich historical and cultural heritage, ,the scents of ,lavender, ,olive trees ,and ,wine ,are the reasons which will surely make you truly enjoy your stay at this amazing island.